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Havas Red

Havas Red

Our mission is to help our clients to inspire, invigorate and improve their storytelling. Through numerous fields and industries, we develop our panel of expertise to nurture your needs, and enhance your image. We are part of PR global network with our 1300+ PR practitioners that operates in nearly 50 countries.

Havas Red HealthHavas Red Health
Havas Red Health

Havas Red Health

We provide full brand lifecycle communications; disease awareness storytelling; content strategy and creation; traditional, online and social media; clinical and regulatory milestone support; patient/HCP advocacy engagement; cause communications; corporate reputation management; and employee relations.

​The Laughing Cow Cheese
​The Laughing Cow Cheese

1 Laughter – 1 Hope

Have you ever thought your laughter can bring meaningful hope to the children in need? On 100th anniversary, TLCC invites everyone to save their laughter/ the laughter of their loved ones and give it to those who need it.​

By partnership with Operation Smile Vietnam, TLCC invites everyone to save their laughter/ the laughter of their loved ones so that we can gain 100.000 laughers which will be re-deemed into VND1 billion dongs to bring complete laughter to the cleft-lipped children through the free surgeries.

Our Clients

MotulDanonegskmega Aeg